Moon, planetary, and sun people
Sun people radiate their lives and cause a magnetic orbit around them, in the eyes of Planetary people it is called charisma. The problem with Sun people is that they can radiate themselves to extinction
Sun people radiate their lives and cause a magnetic orbit around them, in the eyes of Planetary people it is called charisma. The problem with Sun people is that they can radiate themselves to extinction, whatever burns out must be refilled with new energy but sometimes like the Sun they eminate all their energies without refill.
Planetary people are connected to the earth to the land to the cycles of being, seasons and nature
Moonies are orbiting whatever is around without any original idea or skeleton/
Meteorites are the most dangerous, too many leaders proved to be meteorites, bright for the start with a deep conviction to conquer the world or to bring the light and then disappearing with a halo of casualties behind them
Moonies are the majority and if they spot a Sunny they are hooked the only way for them to escape from a sunny personality is to hook to another sun
Planetary people are choosier but they can orbit a sun without admitting it, a sun in this case can be liqueur or drugs
The most important matter here is to admit that you are not free that you cling to an outer source of influence and that you can't escape alone.
There is a line of evolution possible to all human beings a moony can become planetary by creating it s own atmosphere or shield that differs him from other moonies.
A planetary person can become a sun by generating self turbo of knowledge, life essence and strong character that would resonate out of its aura and be recognized by other human beings
Meteorites won t ever change they will appear as a promise in the skies and end as broken hearts
Have magic
Alummot Northern Israel
Ted Barr